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CPRE Norfolk Awards 2021

Tim O'Riordan presents to the audience at the CPRE Norfolk Awards 2021
CPRE Norfolk Awards 2021 Helen Steed

The CPRE Norfolk Awards were launched in 1979 to recognise significant achievements which resulted in a thriving countryside, better buildings, a positive impact on the landscape and an improvement in rural life across Norfolk.

These achievements were made by local people, public sector organisations, schools and businesses. It is one of the longest running Awards schemes in the county and we are proud to have given Awards to almost 500 projects to date.

The Awards were refreshed for 2021 to reflect our major campaign focus ‘A Vision for Norfolk’ which looks at the challenges Norfolk faces over the years ahead and proposes common-sense solutions which encourage sustainable growth to benefit all.

This year, there were 27 entries and we were delighted with the quality and scope of the activities and schemes described. It is clear that a great deal is going on at a local level to improve rural life in Norfolk and we are pleased to showcase it through our Awards.

People reading the displays at the CPRE Norfolk Awards 2021

The 2021 Awards Evening

The CPRE Norfolk 2021 Awards were held at Dereham Memorial Hall on Thursday 16th September and were generously sponsored by Brunswick Investment Management.

Brunswick Investment management logo

Winner and highly commended awards were made in all of the four categories. Further awards were made to the winners of the Chair’s Award and the Youth Award.

More details about the awards and the winning projects can be found in the souvenir brochure

Awards 2021 - Souvenir brochure

The Winners


This award was for projects that that enhance and protect the Norfolk countryside and all that is within it through the vision and perseverance of local community groups and individuals.

West Beckham Old AllotmentsWest Beckham Old Allotments

Awarded for work by the Felbeck Trust to improve the habitat for wildlife and provide access for local people.

Chet Valley B-Line

Chet Valley B-Line

Awarded for work of the Chet Valley Partnership to create a 17km long connected habitat for pollinators centred on the River Chet.


Boughton Fen
Boughton Fen

Presented for work by the Boughton Fen Committee to keep the habitat in good condition for wildlife and the enjoyment of many local visitors.

Hellington and Rockland Community Reserve
Hellington and Rockland Community Reserve

Presented for work of the community group to create a well-managed and thriving wildlife area.


Save the Bees – Coltishall Primary SchoolSave the Bees – Coltishall Primary School

The project created a habitat for wildlife and increased biodiversity on the school grounds; enhanced the landscape the children spend time in; and fostered a sense of care and guardianship for nature in the children.


This award was for projects which improved the sustainability of rural life, making rural living more environmentally-friendly and economically and socially viable.

Wild with Nature - Manor FarmWild with Nature

Awarded for work underway at Manor Farm near Attleborough to diversify and rewild a farm business to develop a Wild with Nature vision.


East Harling Community GardenEast Harling Community Garden

Presented for work by Harling Parish Council to turn an unused and unloved space into a wildlife haven and much-appreciated community asset.


This award was for businesses, local authorities and parish councils for initiatives that enhance Norfolk’s countryside and make local communities enjoyable places to live.

Kett’s HeightsKett’s Heights

Awarded for work undertaken by the Friends of Kett’s Heights to enhance the site for biodiversity and improve accessibility for visitors.

Thetford Conservation GroupThetford Conservation Group

Awarded for work to improve green spaces around Thetford for wildlife and local people.


Woodton Community WoodWoodton Community Wood

Presented for work by Woodton Parish Council to create a valuable community amenity at the centre of the parish.

Greater Anglia - Stations as Havens & Certificate of Good Lighting PracticeStations as Havens

Presented for work by Greater Anglia to make stations more environmentally friendly and improve biodiversity.

Marty’s MarshMarty’s Marsh

Presented for work by Blofield Parish Council to manage this informal open space for the community and conserve the wetland habitat for biodiversity.


Wild Ken HillWild Ken Hill

Awarded to recognised ambitious work on the estate to return the land to nature and farm sustainably whilst inspiring people to protect and enhance the Norfolk countryside.


This award was to recognise schemes which keep light pollution impacts to a minimum in the rural environment. All entrants demonstrating best practice to minimise light pollution were recognised and their innovative and appropriate lighting designs will be held up as exemplar schemes (this category was not competitive).

Certificates of Good Lighting Practice were awarded to:

Swaffham Town Council - Certificate of Good Lighting PracticeSwaffham Town Council

For setting up a new street lighting policy to reduce unnecessary lighting in the town thus helping to protect the dark sky and rural dark landscape of Norfolk.

Greater Anglia

For installing self-dimming platform lights at stations in Norfolk thus helping to protect the dark sky and rural dark landscape of Norfolk.

Millgates Surgery, Hempnall

For the intelligent use of outdoor lighting at the premises thus helping to protect the dark sky and rural dark landscape of Norfolk.


All photos by Ben Thomas Photography (unless otherwise stated)